Martha's Semi-Slouch Socks
Revised 3/11/1999

These will fit an average woman's foot, size 7 - 9 or even a little smaller if you make the foot length smaller.

Materials: 1 skein Light weight KW, 1 set of 4 size 3 and 4 (US) needles

Using size 3 needles, cast on 48 stitches. Rib K1, P1 for 2 to 2 1/2 inches.

Change to size 4 (US) needles, increase one stitch at the beginning of the round, either by M1 or knitting in front and back of stitch. Start pattern (It is a repeat of 7 in case you want to change the sock size)

























































Legend for pattern

Knit -- Purl |

Keep repeating this pattern around the sock

Do 4 pattern repeats (depending on length desired above heel) The pattern is in at least three of the pattern books I have looked at. I found it in the Harmony pattern stitch book and the Vogue book as well in Socka #6. The pattern is repeated one row at a time around the sock. This pattern gives the leg of the sock more give and it will slouch at little (which is what Martha wanted). The slouch effect is caused by reversing the actual pattern. If you want a pattern with diagonal stripes of purl, knit the stitches indicated (|) and purl the stitches (--)

After you have the leg the length desired to the top of the heel, it is now time to start the heel. Knit 12 stitches across needle 1, turn and slip 1 purl back across those twelve and the next twelve from needle 3. Turn Sl 1, K 1 across 24 stitches. Repeat these two rows (Sl 1,Purl across, Next row (Sl 1 K 1) until you have 12 slipped stitches showing on the each side of the heel flap, ending with purl row, ready to start a knit row. You have done 24 rows in heel flap.

Turn Heel: Sl 1, Knit 12, SSK, K1 Turn

Sl1 p5, p2 tog, p1. Turn

Sl 1 Knit to 1 st from gap, ssk. Knit 1, Turn

Sl1 p, to 1 st from gap, p2 tog, p1. Turn

Continue this way until you have used all the stitches.  

You should end with a purl row. Knit across row, pick up 13 sts on side, Knit across instep, Pickup 12 sts along other side of heel. It is sometimes helpful to pick up any extra stitch between end of pickup area and start or end of instep. This stitch is then knitted together on the first round of gusset before decrease row.

Gusset: Needle one starts in the middle of the heel. Adjust stitches so that 6 of the heel stitches are on one end of needle 1 and the rest on needle 3. The gusset begins with needle 1. Knit to the last three stitches on needle 1, K 2 tog, K 1. Knit instep stitches needle 2, plain (unless you want to continue pattern), one needle 3, K 1, SSK, Knit to end of needle. Knit one row plain. Repeat the decrease round. Repeat these two rounds until there are 12 stitches on needles 1 and three. Knit in rounds until 2 inches from desired length.

Toe decrease: Knit to three stitches from end of needle 1, k2 tog, k 1, on needle 2 K1, ssk, knit to three stitches from end of needle 2, K 2 tog, K1, On needle 3, K1, ssk, knit to end of needle. Knit a plain round. Repeat these two rounds until eight stitches remain on instep needle. Weave the stitches together. I like to use the kitchener stitch so you don't feel a seam. However, you can decrease until 4 stitches remain on instep. Leave a long tale and run the thread through the eight stitches twice. Secure firmly. Weave ends. Repeat for second sock, before you forget the routine.